Follow through, make your dreams come true

Published: 2010-09-25 Time: 17:51:07
Category: People

Believes we could be glorious

Published: 2010-02-27 Time: 22:34:02
Category: Other

Östersund & Frösön by night.

A starlight in the gloom

Published: 2010-02-07 Time: 03:24:53
Category: Animals

My adorable sweetie in the snow.

Come let the truth be shared

Published: 2009-11-08 Time: 19:23:51
Category: Other

Life will flash before my eyes

Published: 2009-08-10 Time: 23:11:25
Category: Nature

Muse - Map of the Problematique

Good times for a change

Published: 2009-06-22 Time: 18:42:18
Category: Nature

Everything about you

Published: 2009-06-01 Time: 01:13:24
Category: Nature

You know that I care

Published: 2009-05-20 Time: 20:02:58
Category: Nature

Come on, crush our plans

Published: 2009-05-11 Time: 00:13:33
Category: Nature


Published: 2009-05-10 Time: 23:40:17
Category: Nature

Kort update

Published: 2009-05-10 Time: 14:33:00
Category: Allmänt

Gott folk. Bloggen är inte död, jag har bara varit extremt lat. Men ikväll kommer det nya bilder, så kika in då. Nu först ska jag upp på scenen och dansa, min andra passion.

So long!

In your world

Published: 2009-04-05 Time: 15:53:00
Category: Animals

I ain't no abacus, but you can count on me

Published: 2009-04-01 Time: 19:47:37
Category: Nature

Who restrains?

Published: 2009-04-01 Time: 19:11:19
Category: Nature

En oldie från i somras.
Har jag nämnt att jag älskar kort skärpedjup? Lovely! :)


Published: 2009-03-23 Time: 01:33:51
Category: People

Cherished dreams forever asleep

Published: 2009-03-14 Time: 23:52:37
Category: Other

The love for what you hide

Published: 2009-02-04 Time: 00:47:21
Category: Other

Mitt resultat av läxan i fotografisk bild A, att ta en "kall" bild.

Högakustenbron, 06082008

Published: 2009-01-30 Time: 22:55:16
Category: Other

"Lose control
Increasing pace
Warped and bewitched
Time to erase"

And I'm breaking out

Published: 2009-01-28 Time: 21:54:13
Category: Other

Följ min blogg med bloglovin


Published: 2009-01-26 Time: 00:05:49
Category: Animals

Första bilden ut får bli på lilla Rikki (även kallad Stig, tjockisen eller pussgurkan).
Lika bra att ni får bekanta er med honom på en gång eftersom han nog kommer dyka upp ganska så ofta här.

Medge att han har vackra ögon?

Sofie, Östersund.

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